Tuesday was Metalman's & my first anniversary. The day was amazing! I had no idea how to originally go about celebrating this event or what Metalman's thoughts would be but thankfully everything just came together. His enthusiasm made mine overflow. Being woken up at 4 AM by the words "Happy Anniversary Baby" is indescribable! We were both extremely happy to be reflecting on the wonderful relationship we have & the love we share for each other.
As always the thought of a year is almost unbelievable, the clock moves faster than the mind I guess. I am looking forward to the many years ahead for us. He is a fantastic companion I can share my thoughts, feelings, emotions, ups & downs but more than anything we share an amazing love & understanding. I can not show nor tell Metalman how much he means to me. I can only be thankful he seems to get it & me.
We enjoyed the evening together, had a Mexican dinner where he opened the engraved clock I got for him. I decided to go the modern route for a gift as Metalman loves clocks & "our love is timeless" seemed rather fitting. He gave me a beautiful bouquet of red roses!
It is somewhat perplexing to think that at almost 32 I am celebrating a first but I couldn't be happier. These firsts are exciting & enjoyable & I am ever grateful for my Metalman & that butterfly feeling he continues to give me. XOXO
This post made me tear up a bit. I am so incredibly happy for you!!!