
Thursday, June 10

Thoughtful Thursdays-Summertime

When you were a kid, what did you do in the summer?

Growing up we never really had a lot of money so my summers were very simple. When I was little I played with the neighborhood kids at home or my Grandmothers. I spent a lot of time at my Grandmothers where I could watch cable TV and play Nintendo! Around age 9 I started going to my Grandfathers for a few weeks in the summer. He lived in Eastern Oregon. This was much different from my Western Washington surroundings and very exciting. As a teen my Step-Father would drag us camping, something I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Cougar Rock at Mount Rainier National Park was the usual spot but I remember we ventured to Mount St. Helens once. We never went to far. When I started dating J I would try to spend as much time as possible with him, obviously. Young love, so exciting. My first summer trip that included a plane was to visit him in Georgia at Tech School. Summer vacations became a family affair after marriage and Q-tip. We were in Europe and tried to make a point to do a big trip in the summer. Spain, Italy, camping in Garmish! We had some great summer holidays.

Our first summer in the US we took a road trip home and down highway 1. This year we will be spending summer here in Las Vegas, not our first plan but adaption is a specialty of mine. Its okay, my niece is coming to visit and I have lots of fun things planned to do with 3 kids. Summertime is for making memories and we are going to make as many as possible!


  1. I'm glad you're making the best of it. If nothing else, the kids will never forget a summer with an extra girl in the house! :-)

    I think summers are a fabulous time to travel or stay home and make the memories! We have only gone on a few family vacations, but its something I want to do more often!

  2. I spent my summers in Grand Isle, LA at our beach house. Which is all covered in oil. =( But I have the best memories from being about 3 until 21 years old.
